They say that home is where the heart is. To that end, I've always considered "home" to be within five feet of a computing instrument (where my heart and mind always are). Such an instrument however can be located anywhere in the Universe, and my goal is have several locations worldwide where I can compute in peace.
I try to lead a minimalistic life (off and on line, as demonstrated by the simple design of my web site). Experiences matter more than things (though things can be used for experiences). This is so far the one great equaliser: your experiences are your own. I could live in a simple tent or even a simple house and I'd be content If I had my way, my family'd be sitting on the floor watching our great home theatre system. But my wife is a little more materialistic than I am, which is fortunate for me, since she bears the burden of the materialism. See also my travelling and adventuring page.