How does one separate the signal from the noise in the real world?
One day I was watching the TV, I heard a lot of noise. I realised it was from the 333 channels for every little girl and boy. All these choices. All these voices. All these voices making noises in my head. One day I opened my mailbox. I saw piles of garbage. Advertising nothing but useless overstock. It was enough to throw me in a fit of rage. All these choices. All these voices. All these noises leaving me for the dead. Walked down the supermarket aisle Tabloids screaming: "Cobain seen in a shopping mall." and "Michael Jackson is sterile." I decided this wouldn't do at all. So I bought myself a computer. [Intel inside, intel inside, every single one of us, Intel inside.] Found a way to get rid of this strife. It does anything I tell her. Thus I disconnected myself from real life
Music and lyrics: Ram
This is the first song I've ever written and thus there's another version on the album that is somewhat different.